Young Israel of North Netanya
Welcome to the YINN Website
Providing an Orthodox Zionistic Jewish spiritual way of life (traditions, supporting local charities and a communal social life), in a warm and friendly atmosphere to the local Jewish community and visitors
Please be sure and scroll right down this page for latest information
We are an English-speaking multinational synagogue and community located in North Netanya near the beautiful sea. Our services are elegant and meaningful, our Shiurim are engaging and invigorating, and our events are exciting and creative. As a community, we are an extended family where friendship and companionship shape the moments we share together.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Parshat Yitro
For a Video comment on Parshat Yitro
listen to Rabbi Shlomo Riskin
using the link below
To Print the Weekly News Sheet
You can view it below
To be included in the Weekly News Sheet and on the YINN website, please send all announcements by 6pm on Thursday to social@yinn.org or CLICK HERE
Here is the calendar for the next six months for you to view and print to stick on your fridge !
See our New weekly Program Schedule
Please click on the link below to see the New booklet produced by our Chevra Kadisha team which gives important information about the procedures to be followed and about burial in Netanya
The YINN Charity Committee is here to help our Community.
If you are struggling with Finances, we will do our best to assist you.
Please contact us in the Strictest Confidence
Rabbi Boudilovsky
Neville Gatoff
Adrienne Arnold
2.30 pm to 4.30 pm
YINN is proud to announce the CHESED COMMITTEE
This program is to assist our members on an ongoing basis and anyone who contacts the Shul with an emergency request for help.
Please note that this service is only for emergency assistance.
It is not there to provide accommodation or meals for visitors to Netanya.
Kindly forward information of this nature to:
Shari Schwartz
058 716 2762
Shari, who has volunteered to lead this important initiative, would welcome volunteers to assist on this Committee.
Please contact Shari if you are prepared to help.
Volunteers are also needed for contact with Shul members
Thank you for your assistance and we look forward to hearing from you
Kiddushim will take place in the Shul Hall
If you wish to sponsor a full kiddush , which now includes kugel !, or a Seudah Shlishit, or make a booking for the Shul Hall, please contact Marlene Horowitz, contact details are below
The Irgun Nashim are looking for volunteers to assist with the Kiddush on Thursday afternoon and Shabbat mornings. A rota will be drawn up and the more people that assist, the less time will be involved for all !
If we do not get volunteers then there will be no kiddush !
Please contact Betty Wahnon on
Weekday Mincha will be held inside the shul and at 32 Nitza
For our overseas members who would not normally get the magazine unless they are in Israel, please Click HERE for a downloadable and printable copy of the Rosh Hashanna 2024/5785 magazine
We have a lovely hall that is available for Hire for all functions
For availability and prices, please contact
Marlene Horowitz
Don't forget the TABLE TENNIS CHUG every Sunday from 2.00pm till 4.00pm .
All are welcome for exercise and good company
Over 60?Feeling aches; stiffness?
a pleasant, gentle exercise routine for women.
bone &muscle strength
mind- frame
Tues. mornings, 10:15- 11:00
in the
Young Israel Hall,
with Malka Cohen, B.A.Ed
certified Wingate instructor
over 25 years' experience.
For more info:
Joyce Berman
Irgun Nashim
Please look at the Bulletin Board for an important notice for our Ladies
Click HERE
Shul Notice
Koren Books - We do get a good shul discount on the regular price so if there are any items that you want from the Koren website next time I order , please send a message to Alex Stuart with the title and ISBN of the books you want, so that we can include it in the next order.
Please let me have details as soon as possible
Click HERE to send an email
If you would like to receive the regular email update with the link to this website, please click on the link below which will take you to a subscription page for our regular email
Members – please note: Letters and payments in sealed envelopes please, can be delivered to the Shul front door letterbox that is opened regularly. Please make cheques payable to "Young Israel of North Netanya Synagogue." Payments to YINN by Credit Card can be made by telephoning the Hon. Treasurer , Joshua Wahnon 054 597 8591 with your card details. You can also pay by PAYPAL using your Paypal account or if you have no Paypal account, you can use your credit card through Paypal as well. For payments in US Dollars and related tax paperwork, please see the link below for all the information. Telephone calls to the Shul are automatically re-directed . There is an answerphone on the line. Emails to office@yinn.org Click HERE receive an automatic response that will provide useful telephone and emails for contact. |
Wed, 19 February 2025
21 Shevat 5785
Young Israel of North Netanya
39 Shlomo Hamelech
Netanya, 4226720
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Mishpatim
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 21, 5:09pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22, 6:09pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Feb 22 |
Daf Yomi
This resumes on weekdays at 8.15 am led by Liran Denbinski.
It will take place in the Bortz room at 8.15 am
Torah Tidbits
Please Click Here for the on-line version of this weeks Torah Tidbits which you can view or print.
Covenant & Conversation
We now include the weekly Comment from the
late Rabbi Sacks Z"L
Now showing the new Family Edition
to view and print
Netanya English Speakers Together
An organisation has been formed which is designed to gather together the interests of the English Speakers in Netanya by improving contact with the Municipality and other organisations. For example if you have any issues over traffic signage or markings - we have direct contacts with the Mayors office.
YINN are members of this group.
For further information, please click on the link below
Monday Club
The Virtual Monday Club is back - see the whatsapp notices!
Tarbut Series
The Tarbut Series for 2024/5 has started.
See poster on this page
Yummy In North Netanya
Click HERE for details of our exciting Community Inspired Cookbook!
Please be sure and look at the section on this page that details all events in the coming week
Rabbi David Woolf's Shiurim
Rabbi Woolf's Shiurim are taking a break right now. some of the earlier ones are available below
Bereavement and Shiva Notices
See Community Section
Zmanim Times
Alot Hashachar | 5:07am |
Earliest Tallit | 5:35am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 6:20am |
Latest Shema | 9:07am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:03am |
Chatzot (Midday) | 11:55am |
Mincha Gedola | 12:23pm |
Mincha Ketana | 3:10pm |
Plag HaMincha | 4:20pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 5:30pm |
Tzeit Hakochavim | 6:07pm |
More >> |
Webmaster: Alex Stuart. Email: webmaster@yinn.org
© Alex Stuart
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