Chevra Kadisha
Chevra Kadisha
In time of sorrow a kind word and a helping hand can bring much needed comfort.
As a congregation we are aware of the help we can give to all persons who are in mourning, be it by attending the funeral, visiting the mourners while they are sitting Shiva, attending services at the Shiva house. The care shown at this time is greatly appreciated and is its own satisfaction.
Members should know that the committee is here to help with all arrangements at these unfortunate times..
A useful booklet has been published by the Shul's Chevra Kadisha. Click to download the booklet
Contact Mobile
Eze Silas 054-459 3209
Alan Gold 050-215 0697
Yitzchak Bakst 052-741 2228
Ken Bender 053-373 3865
Vivienne Simenoff 054-761 2763