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Melava Malka Recordings


In these unusual times, many events are taking place over Zoom.

We will place recordings of the Weekly Melava Malka Sessions  here so that you can catch up and watch them if you were unable to attend.  

The latest ones are at the top of the list

Melava Malka - 19/3/22 - David Feiler - Rabbinic Forgeries

Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 12/3/22 - Dr Leon Bernstein

Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 5/3/22 - Rabbi Yossi Goldin on "Purim and the Power of Tefillah"
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 26/2/22 - Rabbi Boudilovsky - War and Peace Issues in Jerusalem

Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 19/2/22 - Chassidic Pop music

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Melava Malka 12/2/22 - Joe Berger

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Melava Malka - 5/2/22 - Isaac Hassan

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Melava Malka - 29/1/22 - Rabbi Boudilovsky - 2 months of Adar in a leap year

Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 15/1/22 - Rabbi Edward Feigelman

Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 8/1/22 - Rabbi Azarya Berzon

Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 1/1/22 - Rabbi Boudilovsky

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Melava Malka  - 25/12/21- Rabbi Liberman - Christmas and the Jews

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Melava Malka -18/12/21 -  Rabbi Moshe Kempinski 

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Melava Malka - 11/12/21 - Freddy Apfel - What are the odds

Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka -4/12/21 - Freddy Apfel

Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - - 27/11/21- Rabbi Boudilovsky

Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 20/11/21- Daniel Caller

Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 13/11/21 - Rabbi Herbert Cohen

Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka- 6/11/ 21 - Rabbi Boudilovsky 

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Melava Malka - Alan Gold - Student days at Sussex University

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Melava Malka - Dr Leon Bernstein - 17/4/21

Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - David Barr 

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Melava Malka- Rabb i Jeffrey Woolf - Artistic Depictions of the Four Sons

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Melava Malka - Eze Silas - The Jews of Calcutta

Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - Mervyn Leviton - Who were you before you were born?
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka  -  Janet and Dennis Elkoubi - The Jews in FRANCE

The second half of the talk is available here
Click HERE to watch.    
This talk includes a Powerpoint presentation which you can download and watch with Powerpoint. The full presentation link is HERE to download

Melava Malka - Hazel Broch - Purim- I'll tell it my way 
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 13/2/21 -Rabbi Eddie Jackson 
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 6/2/21 - Professor Jonathan Rynhold
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 30/1/21 Elkan Levy on U.K. Small Communities
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 23/1/21 Dr Joseph Berger
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 16/1/21 Rabbi Sam Taylor
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka -9/1/21.  Rabbi Jeffrey Cohen-Elisha Ben Avuyah-Sage, mystic and heretic of the Talmudic period
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 2/1/20 - Freddi Apfel
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 26/12/20 = Rabbi Raymond Apple - The Amen Tragedy
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka -19/12/20  Jorgen Koenigshofer - The History of Danish Jewry 
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 12/12/20 Chanukah Tarbut and Tour 
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Melava Malka - 5/12/20 - Rabbi Zvi Kaye
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka - 28/11/20 - Brian Sopher speaking on Amulets, Charms and Controversies
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka- 21/11/20 - Alan Gold's Experiences of Carmel College
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka 14/11/20 - Freddie Apfel- Ethics and legalities of destroying terrorists homes
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka 7/11/20- Rabbi Natan Morowitz
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka 31/10/20 - Rabbi Boruch Boudilovsky - Our Relationship with Shuls
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka 24/10/20 - Dr. Mervyn Leviton -
Evidence and Legends of the Biblical Flood

Click HERE to watch

Melave Malka - 17/10/20 - Jeff Dritz- The Role of Jews in South Africa
Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka 5/9/20
Rabbi Edward Feigelman - "Melody & Meeting" - Exploring Aspects of Yamim Noraim Nusach and Music 

Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka 29/8/20
Rabbi Moshe Kempinski. Talk starts minute 28

Click HERE to watch

Melava Malka 22/8/20
Dr. Joe Berger talking about Hebrew pronunciation.The actual talk starts about minute 9.

Click HERE to watch


Sat, 27 July 2024 21 Tammuz 5784